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Journey's End Inn, SOUTH HAMS, Devon

Journey's End Inn - image 1
Journeys End Inn, Ringmore
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+44 154 881 0205
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About Journey's End Inn: 

The Journey's End Inn is a 13th century free house in the village of Ringmore, which is on the South Devon coast in an area known as the South Hams. Having four fires to enjoy in the winter months and with a main Bar area, nelsons bar, dining room, the story room, conservatory and large beer garden, there’s plenty of room for everyone in the family.

Well supported by local residents, it manages to combine being a friendly village ‘local’, as well as a destination food pub. Surrounded by thriving market towns, stunning scenery and walks both coastal and inland The Journeys End Inn is a perfect place to stop and relax.

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