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The Drum Inn, TORBAY, Devon

The Drum Inn - image 1
Cockington Lane, Torquay
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+44 180 369 0264
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About The Drum Inn: 

We’ve got everything you need from a country pub near you.

Dating back to 1936 The Drum's claim to fame is its architect; the world famous Sir Edwin Lutyens ( Lutyens designed the pub as the focal point of the village and today his beautiful vision retains all its traditional charm thanks to a recent million pound restoration project that replaced its thatched roof, restored its beautiful gardens and made the most of its superb views.

Our menus are full of hearty favourites and country pub classics, as well as our seasonal spring dishes, and we’ll be ready with a well-stocked bar, including cask ales, fine wines and British gin to suit very taste - which will taste all the better when enjoyed either in our beautiful gardens or by our crackling log fires.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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