Featured Pubs
Map of PENDLE, Lancashire, showing 43 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.
Listing all 43 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in PENDLE, Lancashire:
- Admiral Lord Rodney
- Alma Inn
- Black Lane Ends Tavern
- Boyce's Barrel
- Cask 'N' Keg
- Commercial Hotel
- Cotton Tree Inn
- Cross Keys Inn
- Europa Bar
- Forest
- Four Alls Inn
- Hare And Hounds Inn
- Lord Nelson Hotel
- Market Street Tavern (Wet Sales Only)
- Morris Dancers
- New Inn
- Rileys
- Spinning Mill
- Station Hotel
- Station Hotel
- Thatch & Thistle
- The Bankers Draft
- The Barlick Tap Alehouse
- The Craven Heifer Inn
- The Crown Hotel
- The Duke Of Lancaster
- The Feathers Inn
- The George And Dragon
- The Greyhound
- The Jovial Hatters
- The Pendle Inn
- The Punchbowl
- The Red Lion
- The Red Lion Hotel
- The Rising Sun
- The Trawden Arms
- The Venue (Colne) Limited
- The Wallace Hartley
- The White Swan Hotel
- Union Exchange
- Uptown
- White Bear Inn
- Ye Old Sparrowhawk