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Ferry Inn, NOTTINGHAM, Nottinghamshire

Ferry Inn - image 1
Main Road
NG11 7AA
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+44 115 981 1441
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About Ferry Inn: 

The Ferry Inn has operated as a pub since the 18th century named after the ferry through the city which was given a charter during the reign of Edward III. Part of the pub's building however originates as a 14th century farmhouse and The Ferry Inn briefly operated as a coffeehouse during the 18th century fascination with coffee which swept Britain. The Church of St. Wilfrid which lies just 300 ft from the pub's entrance dates from the same period as the farmhouse and is an impressive Grade II listed building notable for its spectacular pointed arch doorway and memorial stained glass windows honouring Nottingham poet Henry Kirke White.An attractive pub nestled in a scenic corner of Nottingham The Ferry Inn is a perfect location for relaxing Sunday lunches and delicious pub food. The beautiful country setting makes this a great setting to come in for one of the classic seasonal specials and a refreshing glass of cask ale.

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